Minggu, 04 April 2010

What a weird day...!!!!

Hellooo..pagi ini aku bangun dengan perasaan senang...Pertama, i met all my friends that i miss the most last nite, we have a good chat...i wish i had a rewind button,please let me push it over and over again..emang si kedengerannya sedikit mellow tapi, i do need them,semacam 'mood booster' lah..but,the nite is out..we got to go home.Ough i hate to say good bye..Bye for now friends..Love y'all..
Kedua..semalem mimpikuu bagussss bgt..jalan2 makan pancakes sepanjang hari..TAPI..beberapa saat kemudian rusak semua..waktu mau wujudin mimpi ntu jadi sungguhan di rumah yang diajak ruwet aja..Jadi sampe jam 11.00 aku belum bisa makan pancakes..okehh so i' went to my friends house and found that she's not home..!!Perfect...
so i decided to go home...rencananya si mau ngajak sita tapi bisanya sore-sore...Dan sore ini akhirnya kita jalan ke cafe deket rumah..RIA DJENAKA..dan ketemu sita's BFF..hahaha..engga ko sit...kata sita "Why everybody loves irene while everybody hates S...." hahahaha.... nice quote sit..o
oiya..kita order mango smoothies yang manisnya bukan main jadi kata sita kalo minum itu lama-lama eneg,aku sih lime juice ajah..enak ujan2 seger..kita juga pesen pizza teraneh sedunia..kulitnya si enak tapi topingnyaa...??!!!!!APAAN...cuma tomat ama paprika doang...sorry sit for asking you to accompany me..
udah ahhh sepertinya sita bosan....got to go...bye for now..!!

Jumat, 02 April 2010

escape from YOU...

hey...i'm having a heavy migrain this day..hohh...it really hurts me so much,i can't even woke up this morning....
but,i've already have a plan to do exercise today..FYI i'm having a diet, i don't know i feel fat, my friend said "Nad Lo kok Gendutan si.."..in a few minutes later i met my friend at the campus hallway,he also comment that my body is getting bigger..HAH so i decide to diet..haha..sounds like i didn't have a respect for my own body,but i have to do this,i have a side job as a freelance photomodel,so as my professionallity i have to keep my body as slim as i was...sorry...

OK that's it. now i'm sitting in excelso cafe with my sister..her name is KARINAMASITA..she's my youngest sister and the weirdest,hahaha,she gave a name for everything she had..hahah,for example, the shoes that she wears now is 'Noah' (it's an oxford shoes..!!! noah?? for an oxford shoes?wondering there's a "ryan gosling in The Notebook" on her foot.. i told ya =)..),but She also the kindest sister of mine..now she's doodling on a paper that the excelso's waiter gave us (because he saw us writing on a tissue)..ssstt,honestly we wrote a critic for this cafe because there's no smoking area,,what there's no smoking area?? Kan udah ada perdanya paakk...!!!!!!..now i'm seeing her doodling the waiter of excelso that keeps shouting "Excelso Silakaaaaaannnnnnnnn!!!..thats kinda anoyyed us..!! i don't know what will she do with that paper,will she leave it on the table or will she keep it for her reminiscence..hahahah...
Ok...got to go My Older sister told us to buy a Nasi Goreng Ati in at place called Pulosari...soo,see ya around blogger...
i miss My CMS FRIENDS...

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Back For Good

yellow...i'm in malang now..hufft..time to meet reality again,meet my besties,my fams,my neighbour,my teacher,my medical experience,also my fake friend..hahaha kidding..
Hey,yesterday was my biology friends graduation,and i couldn't attend their graduation,,i feel so bad..but what can i do, i was in a car,on my way to malang from jakarta,,Sorry Suber,Sumbing,Sula,Sutha,esp Sudin...i also didn't realize that yesterday was a saturday nite, all want to do just called him,,ak him to go out..but,since i forget yesterday was a sat nite,all my plans got screwed..hmmm i think i miss someone...
Busy days ahead...

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

nu beginning...

i´m back...itś a long time after my last entry...now, while i´m having a lunch with my bestie which her name is Puteri Hasanah Karunia a.k.a utie..i´m trying to write this new entry also re arranging my blog...i do miss typing for my blog...we´re at Bakoel Koffié Cikini. This is my last day in jakarta..
just for information..i´ve been in jakarta for 6 days..i know it´s kinda short holidays but i enjoy it very much..met utie,her mom (she´s so kind FYI),Febri a.k.a nyo..also my old friends..and shopping of course..hahaha..girls...i´ll show you my lunch and a few pict from this place..
i´m wondering if malang have a place like this,it will be my favourite..i´ĺl go there everyday..
jakarta..jakarta...a city that i wanna live beside bandung and bali... see ya around bloggers...

Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

Should i dance???

Since mediphoria became happening in my campus, whole class is sooo busy...some of guys doing their accustic..and te girlss...doing DANCE...hahaha...by now i write this post,i also see them practicing their own coreography..and then suddenly they want me to join this Dance Group...
What..!!!! i was kinda shock..i never dance in front of public except in a club..hahaha..what's on their mind..what makes them think that i can dance..it's okey if it's a modern dance, but it's comtemporary dance..(sorry don't call me snob,,but i really-really can't doing a traditional or contemporary dance..)..okey i'll finish this post now..they keep doing pushing me to do that...so to please them i will practicing dance with them...

Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

finnaly i have a blog..!!!!

finnaly i have a blog..!!!!...i know it's rather too late...but it's ok..?? never say too late for a new things rite... i still don't know what i want to write here.....hahaaa..okey..see u around blogger..!!!